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Protect. Promote. Pioneer

An unprecedented movement for democratic vitality in France.

We are launching the first pooled fund to support non-profit and citizen initiatives that work throughout France to strengthen democracy.

The fund is independent, non-partisan, and operates in the public interest domain for initiatives eligible for philanthropy.

An innovative approach, carried out hand in hand with civil society organizations.

Our actions

In the face of growing erosion of French democratic vitality (crisis of representation, weakening of the rule of law and civil society, shrinking civic space), there are initiatives throughout France that bring hope, solutions, and innovation.


The commitment of donors who wish to mobilize collectively and innovatively for democracy


Initiatives and movements that drive engagement and innovation through sustained financial and human support


What is your vision of democracy ?

We envision a pluralistic democracy that guarantees the balance of powers, political equality, and the fight against all forms of discrimination. The values of solidarity, equity, and independence guide our actions.

More specifically, we believe that democracy:

  • Is a condition of public interest and an essential component of it;
  • Hinges on the principle of political equality: all individuals have an equal right to be heard and to have a say in decisions that affect them, ensuring a just, inclusive, and fair society;
  • Is part of a mosaic of norms, institutions, and entities that promote the balance of power and respect for the rule of law;
  • Must fully guarantee pluralism and foster meaningful debate;
  • Encourages peaceful coexistence at all levels, from local to national, while respecting diversity in experience and identity ;
  • Embodies the principle of popular sovereignty, ensuring real and effective participation of people in decisions that affect their lives and all living beings;
  • Is a continuous process aimed at increasing openness, transparency, inclusion, and participation
What are the objectives of the Fonds pour la Démocratie ?

The Fonds pour la Démocratie is the first philanthropic initiative dedicated to democracy in France. Its objective is to support, through ambitious fundings, public interest actors – non profit organizations and citizen initiatives – who work throughout France for democratic vitality. To achieve this, the Fund aims to mobilize donors and redistribute funds to best meet the needs of organizations and those most affected by democratic erosion.

How can I participate in this initiative ?

The Fonds pour la Démocratie is an open, participatory, and unifying approach. It mobilizes a coalition of funds and foundations, donors, and an entire contributing community that participates in the fund’s reflections and operations.

Are you a donor, fund, foundation, or company? You can financially support the initiative and join a large-scale movement for democracy.

Are you an association or leading a citizen initiative? You can sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about upcoming support and funding cycles we will initiate.

Is this initiative independent ?

The Fonds pour la Démocratie is a non-partisan initiative independent of any political party. It is led by civil society actors and operates in the public interest domain through donations. It does not receive public funding.