
The Fonds pour la Démocratie initiative is currently launching. The Fund has already identified three areas of intervention to provide financial and human support to public interest initiatives:


Ensure the conditions of a sound democracy by supporting initiatives that promote media independence, combat disinformation, tackle corruption in the public sector and advocate for the rule of law and against the shrinking of the civic space.


Support democratic innovation and the emergence of new methods and tools, strengthen the inclusion of under-represented people or groups, and contribute to transforming democratic institutions toward increased participation and transparency.


Reinstate democracy and democratic values at the heart of a desirable future through popular and civic education, information, the promotion of online and offline citizen involvement, monitoring efforts, and knowledge-building to feed public debate and hone critical thinking skills.

Calls for initiatives and fund allocation decisions will be carried out independently by a dedicated Circle within the fund’s governance, mobilizing skills and diverse perspectives from organizations representatives, researchers or journalists.

The first call for initiatives is planned for 2025. 


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